The annual fuel poverty statistics for England in 2018, reported that 2.4 million homes were living in fuel poverty - that’s around 11% of households. The total fuel poverty gap for 2018 was £802 million, equating to an average household budget shortfall of £335.
MotionFrame have developed a range of DfMA internal wall insulation systems that address the fundamental need of thermal energy containment and control in aged and thermally inefficient properties.
The standard ComfortFrame IWI System is targeted at hard to treat and solid wall properties and installations that do not require solely A1-A2 products. For buildings and apartments require an IWI system that contains only A1-A2.D0 rated products the ComfortFrame Safeguard System is the perfect solution.
This latest innovative variant of a traditional thermal upgrade solution addresses many of the shortfalls of its predecessors, removing condensation issues, protecting the fabric of the property, reducing the risk of fungal growth and improving the health of the household.
Historically retrofit methods of treating our aged housing stock to improve living environments, reduce fuel poverty and eradicate condensation related health issues include loft insulation, boiler and window upgrades.
All of these methods contribute to a level of improvement, however their impact on the crisis at hand are limited by a failure to address the property fabric.
35% of heat generated within a living space will escape through the property wall’s which means they are one of the highest contributor to household energy inefficiency.
Capturing this thermal energy through wall treatment, will allow the tenant to achieve the same level of comfort through lower energy consumption, cost and carbon emissions.

Individual dwellings and rooms can be treated on a case-by-case basis with an engineered system that avoids the one size fits all principal of traditional drywall methods.
The panelised system is designed and manufactured specifically for the surveyed property and delivered to site in a manageable kit form that requires little or no onsite trimming.
The ComfortFrame IWI Systems significantly improve the thermal and acoustic performance of your external facing walls; warmer and quieter rooms are experienced that require lower energy consumption to generate a comfortable and affordable living environment.
Designed specifically for the property and takes into consideration the inherited structure’s make up and any existing fabric issues.
Our high-performance laminated panels enable an IWI solution that is 35% slimmer than a batten and board system based on an inherent redbrick house construction.
The finished system requires no plastering. Once the system has been erected, decoration can start on the wall immediately.

Depth to Structure
Buildings <18m
Gypsum Fibreboard
Gypsum Fibreboard

Depth to Structure
Typical Application
Buildings >18m
Gypsum Fibreboard
HD Mineral Wool
Gypsum Fibreboard
Engineered System
Designed specifically for the property and takes into consideration the inherited structure’s make up and any existing fabric issues.
Slimline Efficiency
Our high-performance laminated panels enable an IWI solution that is 35% slimmer than a batten and board system based on an inherent redbrick house construction.
No Cold Bridging
Thermal decoupling leads to the removal of cold bridging, the impact of which is significant.
Fast Installation
A typical room is completed in one day with nominal waste generation through the trimming of finishing panels.
Severe Duty Finish
Our laminated panels are robust in use and capable of absorbing significant impacts, reducing the lifecycle costs of maintaining your rentable stock
Embodied Carbon
The Comfort Frame system benefits from sustainable material sourcing and lean manufacturing processes. The system is demountable, 100% recyclable, and reusable multiple times, dramatically reducing embodied carbon outputs.
Residents Stay in Residence
Each room is dealt with in isolation and requires little working space to install the system.
Thermally Decoupled
Unlike traditional plasterboard IWI systems, Comfort Frame is not fixed to the inherent structure.
Fire Performance
For properties >18m the ComfortFrame Safeguard system offers A1-A2.D0 incorporated products.
No Wet Trades
The finished system requires no plastering. Once the system has been erected, decoration can start on the wall immediately.
Weight Bearing
The Comfort Frame IWI system, unlike batten and board, will allow residents to fix cupboards, kitchen units, TVS, pictures etc up to 58kgs per fixing without the need for patressing.
One Room / One Day
On average, it takes a day to conclude a room installation. A simple and swift installation process is followed by a fill finish ready for decoration and conclusion of services.